Personal Evangelism – Less Difficult?

I found this work while surfing the internet. Thought it might be helpful for the subject of evangelizing the lost. You may download the complete work at this address:

Miladan specifically states the goal of the work is “to understand personal evangelism in a new and fresh way, so as to overcome the obstacles that keep us from receiving the blessings associated with
bringing God’s good news to others; and to actually bring the gospel to someone in need. Stated objectives of the course the work is written for were:  1. To work through a twelve-week outline on the subject;  2. To thoroughly acquaint ourselves with an evangelistic tool: the booklet ultimate Questions,
by John Blanchard; and  to pray for the opportunity of using this booklet with someone who is in need of the Lord. In other words, this is applied evangelism!
Although this work comes from a Presbyterian background, in my opinion it is worth the reading for any Evangelical. In fact, while training as a Chaplain, it was my express honor to meet a Presbyterian who went through Chaplain training at the same hospital. My experience with him was indeed refreshing, for here was a Presbyterian who was more concerned about evangelism than most ministers of my acquaintance.


Personal Evangelism Made Less Difficult by George C. Miladin



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