Resources for Evangelism

Someone once said that “evangelism is one sinner telling another where he found bread.” In essence that is exactly what evangelism is. Once a person realizes that he/she is a sinner, needs forgiveness and salvation, comes to the Lord Jesus Christ and is forgiven, born-again, he/she immediately wants to share his/her newly found experience with others. That is what happened to me. Immediately after I became a Christian I wanted to tell everyone. Some were interested, happy to hear and to know of the change that had taken place in my life. Others were disinterested. Early in my preaching ministry I wanted to get as many people saved as I could. My pastor, in a loving way, advised me, “God told Noah to build an Ark, He didn’t tell him to float it.” In other words, “you can tell people of their need of salvation, but you can’t make them accept it.” Once we have learned of God’s grace, love and mercy we want everyone to see what we see and experience what we have experienced. Not everyone is going to be at the same place of conviction that you are. God is at work. Scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit convinces or reproves the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:18). That is the Holy Spirit’s responsibility. He (the Holy Spirit) uses the life of the Christian, God’s word, circumstances in the individuals life, and many other means to bring the sinner to conviction of sin. You nor I can, without the Holy Spirit’s assistance, reprove or convince anyone of their sin or sinfulness. That is the Holy Spirit’s responsibility. Our responsibility is to offer a vessel sanctified and meet for the Master’s use. A vessel that is prepared and ready to follow the Holy Spirit’s leadership. A vessel that is willing to be obedient to the Holy Spirit’s pleadings and promptings. In this post I want to offer some tools that will assist you in preparation for being that vessel.

One of the most important exercises for the Christian is to be prepared. Evangelism Explosion is a tool that I was introduced to in college. This program works. But it necessitates vigilance and determination to see results.  Billy Graham Evangelistic Association offers the Touch One Life program. At Graham’s site you will find a plethora of information and tools to assist you in evangelism.

Some readers may wish to check out what John Piper has to say concerning evangelism.  Others may want to find some real soul winning tools  provided by  Also, there is a publication available from the same source that    tells how to do evangelism.

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